Interactive code offline

Due to the discontinuation of, the code blocks on this website are currently not interactive. We regret the limitations this imposes and are working on a solution.

Here you can take two approaches to analyze differences in model behavior. First, explore model behavior by hand. Second, explore it by large scale simulation.

Comparing model behavior by hand

If you were already comparing the three models on the previous page, you may have noticed differences in behavior. If not, you can use the following code box to try different groups and see what selection of invitees each model makes.

val (p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) = (Person("p1"), Person("p2"), Person("p3"), Person("p4"), Person("p5"))

val P = Set(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)
val L = Set(p1, p2, p3)
val D = Set(p4, p5)
val relations = Set(
  p1 like p2,
  p1 like p3,
  p2 like p3,
  p3 like p4,
  p1 like p5,
  p2 like p5
def like = relations.deriveFun
val k = 3

val out4 = si4(P, L, D, like, k)
val out5 = si5(P, L, D, like)
val out6 = si6(P, L, D, like, k)

println(s"k=$k (when applicable)")

println(s"SI4 selects: $out4")
println(s"SI5 selects: $out5")
println(s"SI6 selects: $out6")

Comparing model behaviour large scale

In the simulation experiment below, we randomly create groups of people and their relationships to each other and the host. We can do this sampleSize times. For each group of friends generated, we ask three agents (hosts corresponding to the three models SI4, SI5 and SI6) to select invitees, resulting in three (possibly different) outputs.

We then perform some data analysis by computing a property of the input, viz. the ratio of likes and dislikes; and by computing two example dependent variables:

  1. The average number of pairs that like each other amongst invitees;
  2. The number of invited guests.

Try to play around with the parameters, e.g., groupSize and sampleSize, and see what changes. For example, increasing the number of samples, decreases the variation in the data. Error bars report 95% confidence intervals. Note: Group size will require exponentially more computation time, don’t try large values () unless you have time until the end of the universe.

val groupSize = 5
val sampleSize = 50
val k4 = 1
val k6 = 2

val P = List.tabulate(groupSize)(_ => Person.random).toSet

val results = for(trialNr <- 0 until sampleSize) yield {
  // Generate random relationships with the host
  val ld = P.toList.splitAt(Random.nextInt(P.size))
  val L = ld._1.toSet
  val D = ld._2.toSet
  // Generate random relations between pairs of people
  val relations = P.uniquepairs
    .map(pair => if(Random.nextBoolean) pair._1 like pair._2 else pair._1 dislike pair._2)

  // Three agents select invitees
  val outputSI4 = si4(P, L, D, relations.deriveFun, k4)
  val outputSI5 = si5(P, L, D, relations.deriveFun)
  val outputSI6 = si6(P, L, D, relations.deriveFun, k6)

  // Compute independent variables
  val nrLikes = relations.count(_.liking)
  val nrDislikes = relations.count(!_.liking)
  val ldRatio = nrLikes.toDouble / nrDislikes

  // Compute dependend variables
  val partySize4 = outputSI4.size
  val partySize5 = outputSI5.size
  val partySize6 = outputSI6.size

  val like4 = for(g1 <- outputSI4.toList) yield
      (for(g2 <- outputSI4.toList if(g1!=g2)) yield relations.contains(g1 like g2)).count(_ == true)  
  val like5 = for(g1 <- outputSI5.toList) yield
      (for(g2 <- outputSI5.toList if(g1!=g2)) yield relations.contains(g1 like g2)).count(_ == true)
  val like6 = for(g1 <- outputSI6.toList) yield
      (for(g2 <- outputSI6.toList if(g1!=g2)) yield relations.contains(g1 like g2)).count(_ == true)

  val avgLike4 = like4.sum.toDouble / like4.length
  val avgLike5 = like5.sum.toDouble / like5.length
  val avgLike6 = like6.sum.toDouble / like6.length

  // Return the dataset for this random graph
  (Map("likes" -> nrLikes, "dislikes" -> nrDislikes, "ldRatio" -> ldRatio, "avgLike" -> avgLike4, "partySize" -> partySize4),
  Map("likes" -> nrLikes, "dislikes" -> nrDislikes, "ldRatio" -> ldRatio, "avgLike" -> avgLike5, "partySize" -> partySize5),
  Map("likes" -> nrLikes, "dislikes" -> nrDislikes, "ldRatio" -> ldRatio, "avgLike" -> avgLike6, "partySize" -> partySize6))

val si4Data =
val si5Data =
val si6Data =

render(traces = List(Trace("SI4", si4Data), Trace("SI5", si5Data), Trace("SI6", si6Data)),
      xValue = "ldRatio",
      xLabel = "Likes / dislikes ratio in P",
      yValue = "avgLike",
      yLabel = "Average likes amongst invitees",
      title = "Average likes",
      plotType = PlotType.Point)

render(traces = List(Trace("SI4", si4Data), Trace("SI5", si5Data), Trace("SI6", si6Data)),
      xValue = "ldRatio",
      xLabel = "Likes / dislikes ratio in P",
      yValue = "partySize",
      yLabel = "Number of invitees",
      title = "Party size",
      plotType = PlotType.Point)