Interactive code offline

Due to the discontinuation of, the code blocks on this website are currently not interactive. We regret the limitations this imposes and are working on a solution.

Here you can take two approaches to analyze differences in model behavior. First, explore model behavior by hand. Second, explore it by large scale simulation.

Comparing model behavior by hand

If you were already comparing the two models on the previous page, you may have noticed differences in behavior. If not, you can use the following code box to try different groups and see what selection of invitees each model makes.

val a = Person("A")
val b = Person("B")
val c = Person("C")
val d = Person("D")
val e = Person("E")
val G = Set(a, b, c, d, e)
val similarities = Set(
  Similarity(a, b, 1.0),
  Similarity(a, c, 2.0),
  Similarity(a, d, -1.0),
  Similarity(a, e, 3.5),
  Similarity(b, c, -2.0),
  Similarity(b, d, 4.0),
  Similarity(c, d, -3.0)
def sim = similarities.deriveFun
val s = 0.2

val out1 = ps1(G, sim)
val out2 = ps2(G, sim, s)


println(s"PS1 forms: $out1")
println(s"PS2 forms: $out2")

Comparing model behaviour large scale

In the simulation experiment below, we randomly create groups of people and randomly assign similarity relationships between minSimilaritymaxSimilarity. For each group of friends generated, we apply the two party subgrouping models resulting in two (possibly different) outputs.

We then perform some data analysis by computing a property of the input, viz. the mean similarity between all pairs; and by computing two example dependent variables:

  1. The mean ingroup similarity of the formed groups;
  2. The number of groups that are formed.

Try to play around with the parameters, e.g., groupSize, sampleSize, and s, and see what changes. For example, increasing the number of samples, decreases the variation in the data. Error bars report 95% confidence intervals. Note: Group size will require exponentially more computation time, don’t try large values () unless you have time until the end of the universe.

val sampleSize = 100

val groupSize = 6
val minSimilarity = -2
val maxSimilarity = 4
val s = 1.0

val P = List.tabulate(groupSize)(_ => Person.random).toSet

val results = for(trialNr <- 0 until sampleSize) yield {
  // Generate random similarities between pairs of people
  val similarities = P.uniquepairs
    .map(pair => Similarity(
      Random.nextDouble() * (math.abs(minSimilarity) + maxSimilarity) + minSimilarity
  val sim = similarities.deriveFun

  // Three agents select invitees
  val outputPS1 = ps1(P, sim)
  val outputPS2 = ps2(P, sim, s)

  // Compute independent variables
  val meanSimilarity = / P.size

  // Compute dependend variables
  val meanInGroupSimilarity1: Any = if(outputPS1.isDefined) {
    val partitioning = outputPS1.get => / part.size).sum / partitioning.size
  } else {
  val meanInGroupSimilarity2: Any = if(outputPS2.isDefined) {
    val partitioning = outputPS2.get => / part.size).sum / partitioning.size
  } else {
  val nrGroups1 = if(outputPS1.isDefined) outputPS1.get.size else "NA"
  val nrGroups2 = if(outputPS2.isDefined) outputPS2.get.size else "NA"

  // Return the dataset for this random graph
  (Map("meanSimilarity" -> meanSimilarity, "nrGroups" -> nrGroups1, "meanInGroupSimilarity" -> meanInGroupSimilarity1),
  Map("meanSimilarity" -> meanSimilarity, "nrGroups" -> nrGroups2, "meanInGroupSimilarity" -> meanInGroupSimilarity2))

val ps1Data =
val ps2Data =

render(traces = List(Trace("PS1", ps1Data), Trace("PS2", ps2Data)),
      xValue = "meanSimilarity",
      xLabel = "Mean similarity in whole group",
      yValue = "meanInGroupSimilarity",
      yLabel = "Mean ingroup similarity",
      title = "Mean ingroup similarity",
      plotType = PlotType.Point)

render(traces = List(Trace("PS1", ps1Data), Trace("PS2", ps2Data)),
      xValue = "meanSimilarity",
      xLabel = "Mean similarity in whole group",
      yValue = "nrGroups",
      yLabel = "Number of groups",
      title = "Mean number of groups",
      plotType = PlotType.Point,

render(traces = List(Trace("PS1", ps1Data), Trace("PS2", ps2Data)),
      xValue = "nrGroups",
      xLabel = "Number of groups",
      yValue = "meanInGroupSimilarity",
      yLabel = "Mean ingroup similarity",
      title = "Number of groups vs ingroup similarity",
      plotType = PlotType.Point)